Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pathetic efforts by driving schools to increase their income.

Driving schools want training made compulsory

 The first thought might come to our mind that driving schools are doing good duty to the citizens by actually trying to train the drivers. But if you check the current conditions RTO Offices we can easily see that this is just a pathetic effort to increase the income of the driving schools and the agents at RTO.  Instead of suggesting the RTO personals should make serious exams for the drivers to get driving license they are suggesting compulsory training. So what will happen is that they would get some more money for training and pay some more bribe to RTO officials and people would get driving license without that training also.
        Why some one not suggesting more tough exams should be there at RTO before handing out the licenses.  The answer is simple because that will hamper illegal income of the RTO people as well as the agents who are in the RTO offices. If exams are tough people cant easily give money and get driving licenses. So we the public should raise voice against this kind of non-sense going on.
        There should be some feedback system at RTO which affects the inspectors who give driving license. No one checks the quality of the exams and the driving test which are going on in RTO. If the person given license is involved in to accident/law breaking some negative marks should be given to the officer giving him license. After some threshold the officer should be asked why large number of people he gave license are not aware of the road laws and are being involved in the accidents/ law breaking.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mexico Vs Brasil ... #Ochoa

What game the Mexican team played. They denied Brasil of any goals and also made some good conter attacks. Even after following team Brasil I couldn't deny Mexican great game. The goal keeper Ochoa was just ow-some today. It was Ochoa's day today in this match. Every thing went good for him. :-)
 I am beginning to doubt Brasil team capabilities as Croatia also played great against them.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Null Hardware Badge 101 (Desi Jugaad)

Hi Friends,

I am giving talk in NullCon 2014, Goa about Null Hardware Badge 101.

We have created the first Hardware Badge for NullCon.

Checkout http://nullcon.net/website/goa-14/speakers/amey-and-umesh.php for talk details.

I will be posting more techincal details and information about the Atmega8 Badge and its working here afterwards.

